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How to Apply For Pan Card Online via Mobile or Laptop

Now a days, Pan card or Permanent Account Number is an essential document you must have whether you opening a bank account or joining new jobs. Therefore, you must have the card which have a unique 10-digit alphanumeric code which is assigned to every pan card holder by Income Tax Department so they can track the income of every Indian citizen.
If you want to apply for the Pan Card, you can apply either online or offline. Here, we are going to give step by step guideline to avail the Pan Card using online in mobile or PC via NSDL and UTIITSL official website that mainely used for applying new pan card.

How to Apply for a PAN CARD Online on NSDL Website

To apply for a new PAN card, you have to fill FORM 49A or 49AA it depends only whether you residing in India or you are a foreign Citizien. This procedure for those who never applied for Pan Card in India. These are following steps you have to follow for applying new PAN CARD:
  1. Go the NSDL Official Website.
  2. Click on PAN application section
  3. Now, you have to select the application type for which you want to apply: Form 49A(If you an Indian Citizen) or 49AA(if you are a foreign citizen) or Correction/Update in PAN or Reprint of PAN Card.
  4. Choose the category from the options(Individual, Association of Persons, Body of Individuals, Trust, Limited Liability Partnerships, Firm, Government, Hindu Undivided Family, Artificial Judicial Person and Local Authority.
  5. Enter the relevant details( Title, Lastname, First name, Middle Name, Date of Birth(DOB in dd/mm/yyyy format), email ID, mobile number, and captcha).
  6. After completing the form, click on the submit button.
  7. A new page will be opened in which you will get your acknowledgment number for the pan card with the token number. 
  8. Click on the "Continue with PAN Application Form" button on the page.
  9. You will be redirect to next page where you have to fill in more personal details very much similar to the FORM 49 ir FORM 49 AA. 
  10. Enter all the relevant details.
  11. Now you have to choose the way, how you want to submit the documents. Since you can submit the document online via digital signature, e-sign and can forward application documents hard copy physically,
  12. On the page, you can see that you have to submit proof for identity, address, and date of birth. Now confirm the place, date of application, and declaration. Review the form and submit the form once you satisfied that you didn't entered any incorrent details.
  13. Now you have to click on Proceed and payment page will be open, Select how you are going to pay either Demand draft or Online Payment via Bill Desk.
  14. If you select the Demand Draft mode, you will have to make DD before applying for Pan Card as you need to provide DD number, issued date, amount and the bank's name from where DD is made.
  15. If you select Digital Payment mode, you can pay via Debit card, Credit cards or Net Banking.
  16. Now, Check the I agree to the terms of service and click on proced to pay. Application fees will be different depending on whether you are sending documents seperately or Uploading digitally or online.
  17. If you pay digitally or online, you will get an acknowlodgement receipt and payment receipt. Print the acknowledge receipt for the future reference.
  18. Now you have to attach your two recent passport size photo along with the acknowledgement receipt. 
  19. After submiting the form and once the payment is confirmed, send the documents via courier or post to Protean eGov Technologies Limited.

How to Apply for an E-PAN for Existing Users

You are already pan card holder but you lost or damaged your pan card. Therefore, you can apply for E-Pan Card by following steps:
  • First of all, Visit the NSDL Website Reprint Download E Pan.
  • Now, Enter your details as shown in the form like PAN, Aadhaar number, DOB(Date of Birth), and captcha.
  • Click on Submit button, A OTP will be generated and sent to your registered mobile number.
  • Check your mobile, and enter the OTP to download the E-Pan in Pdf format.
Note: Make sure before applying for pan card, you must have updated the mobile number and email id.

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